Movie Database Wiki
Thelma and Louis suicide
Classification: Miscellaneous
Genres: All genres
Associated films: Bram Stoker's Dracula
Fly, The
Freddy vs. Jason

Suicide is the willful act of taking one's own life. In film, characters may commit suicide for any number of reasons ranging from terminal illness, depression, impending trauma, they are forced into it, and sometimes, even to prevent one's self from being turned into a zombie! Suicide is different from self sacrifice, which is where a character allows themselves to die in order to facilitate a greater good, whether that be protecting a loved one, saving a military unit, or defending the entire planet.

In film[]

Committing suicide[]

  • Annabelle: Evelyn takes her own life by jumping out of an apartment complex window to her death. She does this to satisfy a demon who requires a soul, thus sparing a baby from being taken.
  • Bram Stoker's Dracula: Upon hearing false reports stating that her beloved Prince Vlad had died on a battlefield, his bride Elizabeta took her own life by throwing herself from the parapet of a castle.
  • Fly, The (1986): Scientist Seth Brundle completely mutates into a hideous monster due to a scientific mishap. Unable to live with himself, he coaxes his girlfriend, Veronica Quaife into shooting him in the head with a shotgun owned by her former boyfriend and employer, Stathis Borans.
  • Freddy vs. Jason: It was believed that a man named Bobby Davis had committed suicide after he had slit his wrists in a bath tub in 1999. In truth, Bobby was but a victim of dream killer Freddy Krueger. In 2003, a boy named Blake Mueller was blamed for the deaths of his father and Trey Cooper and then allegedly committed suicide. This too was false, as all of these deaths were perpetuated by Jason Voorhees.
  • Haunting, The: A nurse companion who lived at Hill House with 80-year-old Abigail Crain took her own life by hanging herself shortly after Abigail's death.
  • Howling V: Rebirth: The Lord of a castle enters his dining hall to find all of the guests have been savagely murdered. His wife enters the room and they embrace. The Lord takes a large sword and impales both his wife and himself with a single thrust. Before expiring, he hears the cry of a baby, which terrifies him. His last words are, "We died in vain".

Attempted suicide[]

Characters who have committed suicide[]

Character Film Method
Abigail Crain's nurse Haunting, The Hung herself.
Elisabeta Dracula (1992) Leaped out of a tower window into the river below.
Josette du Près House of Dark Shadows Leaped off Widows' Hill to her death.
Hungarian Lord Howling V: Rebirth Impaled himself on the same sword use to kill his wife.


See also[]
